Business or Party?

Running a business is the same as organising a good party. Its terrifying to plan. It is easy and joyous to partake in once its in progress. The emotional rollercoaster of the social host, mirror that of an entrepreneurial start-up exactly.

When I began to play with the notion of setting up in business I was so frightened of the responsibility that I tried to do it in partnership with other people twice. Both times it failed. The failure was not because any of the parties were at fault. It failed because I needed to be in charge. That is also what it feels when i organise a get-together. In the run up, I feel that I am entirely on my own. I fear that the outcome will be a huge reflection on me. That its all about ME if this endeavour fail and if nobody attends my party I shall be ashamed and exposed as the “friendless-nobody” that perhaps I fear that i am. Thankfully, in business and hosting, I am shown over and over that “friendlessness” is not my truth. Clients keep showing up in my inbox. Guests showed up at my door on the weekend. In this way, the business took off and the party started.

What I notice is that clients often have similar feelings to me regarding starting their own businesses. They too say ‘but, I can’t do that on my own’. No business, even if it comes under the title of ‘sole trader’, is ever made up of one individual. Once the guests began to arrive on Saturday night i noticed that i was not alone at all. The role I had was of facilitator. I asked people to do things for ‘Us’: Someone BBQ’d. Another guest did ‘the tunes’. There was a firework-lighter. There was a sparkler monitor. There was a soup bowl filler and a wine server. As people came through the door they naturally fell into role. People often quite like to contribute something and having a role can provide a sense of belonging. The wine flowed and having put in the footwork, I began to let go and surrendered to the energy of the get-together. The party had an identity and a life-force all of its own. And I breathed……

I have found that it is exactly the same in business. People who have had their own success and joys in their own businesses are very often happy and generous with sharing their experiences. Before I began trading I approached industry-specific successes to ask if they had wisdom to share. I asked for training in the business skills I needed. I sought mentors and financial guidance and accountability and clinical supervision to keep me on the path once I began. in the early days, a small mistake can seem like a disaster and we need reminding that these are amazing learning opportunities. Now, several years on, with the party in full swing, business-wise I KNOW I am not alone.

There is such a network of people around me, supporting this business entity its quite incredible. This support consists of both paid and ‘just for the love of it’ support. There are friends who prop me up when i have fallen on my face and a husband who believes in me when I cannot. There are mentors who see the bigger picture and are finance people who do the detail. There are fellow practitioners who knowledge share. There are all manner of people to celebrate successes with and clients to journey with. Never, ever am I stuck for an ear to listen when I have questions.We all need “mirroring” in our business worlds. without the people who hold us in good heart surrounding me 360m degrees, this business would be nothing. These are people who challenge me when i need to learn more and point out when I have succeeded. This network has generated as naturally and organically as the firework-lighters of the party. We all bring our unique skills to the colourful mix.

This business identity has a persona and a life-force all of its own it is a real privileged to be at the heart of it. Do you fear starting out on your own…? Embark on the journey alongside others.

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