Career Advice

As a coach i do not give career advice. As a coach i help you to generate your own solutions to the career challenges you face.

I could sit and tell you how I have generated my own satisfying career pathway. This would however seem a little smug and it would not enable each individual to work it out their unique way. If I tell people how I did sieved through my behaviours, made choices and encouraged others to do it the same way, then I risk creating a dependency as individuals must come to me to solve the next professional problem. If I encourage you to solve your own problems then I create the opposite, a healthy independence. If I tell clients how refining my identity has worked for me, then I risk offering you a disconnect from what is your authentic way of being. If you were to be inauthentic in your professional world for too long then this could cause physical dis-ease. I could tell clients of my way of navigating different environments then i could lead you up erroneous pathways. If I empower you with a set of interventions that enable you to identify what you want from your environment, for yourself, for your future, then it could save you a lot of time spend in ‘trial and error’. If I told you of my professional purpose this would be absolutely now help to you whatever in defining what motivates and drives you at work. If I indulge in giving you career advice then I actively prevent you from navigating your own true journey.


If I tell you my journey, if I give career advice, or if I tell you how to go about engaging with professional development in the way that I have, then i risk eclipsing you and your journey. It is time for you to define it your way and my job is to help you to do just that.


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